4 Strategies for College Dance Audition Confidence – Apolla Performance Wear

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4 Strategies for College Dance Audition Confidence

4 Strategies for College Dance Audition Confidence

4 Strategies for College Dance Audition Confidence

As a dancer, you know that auditions are challenging no matter where they take place or what their end goal is. But as a high school student considering your future, the prospect of college dance auditions can seem even more daunting. Not only are you looking to land a spot in your dream program, but you’re also trying to determine which school will best serve your needs for the next four years and beyond.

With all of this pressure riding on your college auditions, confidence-building is essential. When you believe that you’re capable of doing your best and focus on aspects of the audition process that are within your control, you’ll arrive at your auditions better prepared and more at ease.

In this guide, we’ll walk through four strategies to boost your confidence as you prepare for your college dance auditions:

  1. Enter the Room Ready to Audition
  2. Practice Relaxation Techniques
  3. Seek the Support You Need
  4. Be Gentle With Yourself

Keep in mind that every dancer is unique, so the confidence-boosting tips that resonate most with you might be different from the techniques your peers use. Throughout college audition season, regularly check in with yourself to see whether the strategies you’re using are effective and decide if you need to make any changes to your approach. Let’s dive in!

1. Enter the Room Ready to Audition

In order to mentally prepare for college dance auditions, it’s important to first prepare logistically and physically. While you can’t control the adjudicators’ decision, you can control how organized you are and whether you warm up properly before you enter the audition room.

To keep track of college audition logistics, create a folder (physical or digital) that includes:

  • A master list of your audition dates and locations. For easy reference, try color-coding which auditions are in person and which ones are virtual.
  • A calendar of application deadlines. In addition to submitting an artist profile and prescreens to each dance program, you’ll usually need to complete a separate application to each college, so make sure to note all of those due dates.
  • Audition materials for each school. There are a wide variety of materials you may need to prepare depending on the exact degree you’re pursuing, and each school will likely have different requirements. To save time and money on these materials, Acceptd recommends searching for dance tutorial videos and other free audition resources online.

  • Make sure to arrive early to each audition so you have time to warm up beforehand. The most effective warm-up routines combine aerobic, strength-building, flexibility, and dance-specific exercises to help you reach your maximum performance ability by the time your audition begins.

    2. Practice Relaxation Techniques

    While dance audition confidence depends on much more than calmness, being able to relax is an important step in building that confidence. So, how do you stay calm when the pressures of college audition season make you feel anything but calm?

    To start, you might consider incorporating the following relaxation techniques into your weekly routine:

  • Stretching or yoga, which can help you stay centered and in touch with your body.
  • Breathwork, which allows you to pause before you enter a stressful situation.
  • Journaling, which often helps with processing all of the emotions of audition season.
  • Mindset prep, which keeps your vision and goals at the forefront of your thoughts.

  • Additionally, try to stick to a regular sleep schedule so you can arrive at each audition well rested, and consume caffeine in moderation since too much of it can cause jitters and increase your nerves. As a dancer, your body is your instrument, and it’s important to properly care for that instrument so you can perform at your best.

    3. Seek the Support You Need

    The most important thing to remember about college dance audition preparation is that it isn’t a process you need to—or should—go through alone. Don’t be afraid to rely on your friends, family, and trusted instructors for support as you need it. Knowing that there are people in your corner who care about you and want to see you succeed is a surefire confidence booster.

    If you want an additional, more targeted resource to help you improve your mindset during this overwhelming season, consider looking into confidence coaching. A confidence coach will work with you one-on-one to identify and overcome your internal blocks regarding dance auditions. They can also help you figure out which stress management techniques are most effective for you.

    4. Be Gentle With Yourself

    The unfortunate reality of auditions is that rejection is a natural part of the process. For performing artists, it comes with the territory. However, this doesn’t mean that rejection doesn’t hurt—especially if it comes from a college dance program you had your sights set on.

    If you find yourself dealing with rejection, My College Audition recommends taking the following steps:

  • Allow yourself to be disappointed. There is no shame in experiencing the natural emotions that come with rejection after you initially hear the news.
  • Accept support. Periods of disappointment are some of the best times to tap into your support network. Remember that your family, friends, and coaches are on your side throughout the audition process, no matter how it goes for you.
  • Distract yourself and be creative. Once you’ve processed the initial sting of rejection, it’s time to start moving forward. One of the best ways to do this is to take your mind off the pain by making time for things you love, especially if they allow you to create.
  • Take the next step. Even though it may hurt, don’t let one rejection destroy your confidence! Your goals may look a little different now, but rejection is not a reflection of your worth as a person, so don’t let it stop you from pursuing your passion for dance.

  • Rejection is another area where it’s noticeable that every dancer has different experiences. It’s okay if you find it more difficult to distract yourself from the disappointment or take longer to process it than your peers seem to—as long as you move forward from it and work to rebuild your confidence.

    Confidence-building is essential to successfully navigate the often overwhelming experience of college dance auditions. Make sure to utilize all of the resources available to you—whether that’s a solid organizational system, your warm-up and relaxation routines, or your support network—and be compassionate with yourself no matter what happens.

    Author: Emily Hucle

    Emily Hucle is the Operations Director of Acceptd, a Togetherwork company that is the premier recruitment, application, and audition platform for the arts. In her free time, Emily enjoys decorating homes and events, creating floral arrangements, and attending concerts and shows.

    Emily Hucle


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