You have to check out this amazing article in Dance Spirit Magazine. It explains what Shocks are, Who Apolla is and our philosophy behind our company. It also shows all the amazing dancers that recommend them and how much they have loved them. It explains the customizable traction and compares them to other footwear and so much more!!!
We of course recommend Apolla you tried them yet?
Apolla Performance … not Apollo! Have you seen that dance sock with the alpha on the back of those black, nude or teal socks at a convention? Or maybe that open heel sock that is sleek and supportive? You have found what you are looking for! All of Apolla Shocks are dance socks that are as durable or more so than any other dance shoe or dance sock on the market. What is truly remarkable about them is the sports science technology to make these high quality compression dance socks that have arch support, ankle stability, and energy absorption. All of our Shocks also have the option of our amazing invisible customizable traction! The traction makes these dance socks have the perfect grip when you need it, but allows for gliding. All Apolla Shocks also are anti-microbial and moisture-wicking. They are the revolutionary dance sock that will replace your dance shoes and dance socks… there is an Apolla Shock for every style, floor, class and convention!
Susan R Ryman
With an ankle reconstruction surgery last year, and being a Varsity Dance Team Coach, these socks have literally saved me! Once I put them on, my ankle pain seems to vanish and swelling is reduced. I am not sure I would be coaching without them. Thanks!
I love these dance socks and they are great for dance!
Monique Draper
I love these!! I have taught dance for 15+ years and have recently had plantar factitious. These Shocks are amazing!!