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What Time Alone Can Teach Us with Kristin Deiss

Woman in Deep Thought While Walking Alone

What Time Alone Can Teach Us

by Kristin Deiss

 Did the pandemic have you spending a lot of time alone?  Read the article below to learn what that time may have taught you about your energetic self and why it’s important!

It’s hard to spend time alone, in isolation from others, and in isolation from the world.

Especially a lot of time alone.

And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing this past year throughout the pandemic, and my guess is that you’ve been doing the same.

Though I had my husband, my toddler, and my cats keeping me company, the number of people that made daily appearances in my routine drastically diminished, largely eliminating much outside influence.

You are probably thinking, "What exactly does this have to do with energy?”

It has everything to do with energy, because I don’t know that I’ve ever been more in touch with my own personal energy than I have recently been, just in time for the world to open back up and for all of us to make our return to some semblance of normalcy.

Why is this the case?

Think about your daily routine pre-pandemic, and how many people you came into contact with every day. Now think about the energy that those people brought into your field. Chances are high that 1. that energy affected you in some way and/or 2. that it actually latched onto you.

Now imagine spending time alone. Whose energy are you left with then?

Your own in its truly unadulterated state.

It’s a slightly terrifying concept to think about, and why most people don’t like to spend a lot of time alone. But boy, talking from personal experience . . .

Time alone is a great teacher.

You really get to know your energetic self. You get to understand if the anxiety you feel is related to an event or person in your life, or if it is truly your own. You get to learn whether or not the depression you sometimes feel emanates from within or is influenced by what is without. And you get to know yourself like you never have before, creating a knowledge of your energetic self so powerful, that once you return to your daily, busy, and people filled routine, you have the skills and foresight to ascertain whose energy you are actually carrying and being affected by. Time spent alone creates an invisible shield that protects yourself from outside energetic forces, bouncing them right off of your field, and back where they belong.

Energy work is just as much about helping others as it is about helping ourselves. 

It is not selfish to want to protect your energies from others: it is of utmost importance to truly understanding who we are and what we can contribute to this world. To know oneself is a gift that only you can give to yourself.

So, as the world begins to shift into this new landscape, and we all begin to surround ourselves more with others and outside influences, think of what you can bring with you from all this time spent alone.  Stay true to who you know you are and the energy you wish to maintain.  And while you’re at it, be mindful not only of the effect of others’ energies on you, but also be aware of the effect your energy has on them as well.

 We each have our own unique energetic self to bring to this world, so let yours shine bright!

 What has time alone taught you about yourself?  Share with us all by dropping a comment below!  We’d love to learn more about you J

Kristin Deiss is a dancer, educator, yogi, healer, and mom trying to live her best life through helping others improve theirs. 

She holds an MFA in Dance Performance and Choreography from Tisch School of the Arts at NYU and is a certified yoga teacher, Reiki Master, and Integrated Energy Practitioner.

Kristin is currently the Commercial Dance Chair at Hussian College Los Angeles and writes about overcoming failure on Stir the Sage.  For inspiration, laughs, and cute pics of her toddler, follow her on Instagram.


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